11 Mar 2014
View of Nantucket Island
Filed under Around Town, General, News and Updates, Reviews, Shellie's Blog

The popular daytime television show “The View” reminds us that you can put virtually any topic before a group of four individuals and they will each respond to it differently. Their unique perspective is based on something that has impacted them in the past or some influence (positive or negative) they are currently experiencing. I think the same can be said of our “view” of the world in general. It’s easy to be optimistic and upbeat when the sun is shining, business is thriving and all the kids are getting along. But when the weatherman predicts another storm, the flu bug bites and the roof begins to leak our point of view changes. Our perspective fluctuates depending on the day of the week, the “state of the nation” or sometimes simply the view out our window.
My view of Nantucket Island (literally!) experienced a major shift this past week.The Lee Real Estate office that’s been located at the top of Main Street for the past 25 years, just relocated to 10 South Beach Street. As enthusiastic as I am to be part of this exciting new “ground level” opportunity, I confess there was a part of me that was sad to pack up my desk and leave the familiar space behind. The view from the front window of the Main Street building, looking all the way down Centre Street, was the inspiration for many of my weekly vignettes. It helped shape how I see Nantucket and was a reminder to stop each day and enjoy the vista. The angst didn’t last long. As I settled into my new space, also looking out a large picture window (this time at ground level!) I realized although the view is completely different, it holds unlimited new possibilities. I found myself channeling Annie from the Broadway musical of the same name and humming the tune “I think I’m gonna like it here!”
Whenever we move there is emotion involved; sadness in the leaving, but anticipation and excitement for what’s to come. Many on Nantucket have experienced this phenomenon. Very few people who live here reside in the home or business location they started in. People upsize, or downsize…some head closer to or away from the hustle bustle of downtown…and still others move to finally get “a view” of the water, a golf course or some unobstructed green space. One thing’s certain…unless it’s new construction, the space we find ourselves in was once occupied by someone else. On Nantucket, that “someone else” can date back to the 1600’s! It’s fun to consider who lived or worked here before us, honor their vision and design while personalizing the dwelling to reflect our unique style and bring a fresh perspective to the space.
Whatever vantage point you enjoy Nantucket from…whether it’s a multi-generation property teeming with family memories, a new home or commercial space awaiting your personal touch or an elegant room at one of the island’s famed inn’s, take a moment to look out the window, reflect on the scenery and then stop by our new office and share your…
Point of View.
Shellie Dunlap
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